A New Species of the Plesiosaur Genus Polycotylus
from the Upper Cretaceous of the Southern Urals

V. M. Efimova, I. A. Meleshina, and A. V. Nikiforovb

aUndory Paleontological Museum, village of Undory, Ulyanovsk Region, 433312 Russia

e-mail: upm2002@mail.ru

bClub of Young Geologists, Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren of Orsk, Orenburg Region, Russia

e-mail: geolclub@mail.ru

Received April 28, 2015

Abstract—The most complete specimen of the plesiosaur genus Polycotylus from the Upper Cretaceous of the
southern Urals is described. This specimen has much in common with the species P. latipinnis described from
North America, but differs in the limb structure and cranial bones, so that it is assigned to a separate species,
Polycotylus sopozkoi
sp. nov.

Keywords: Polycotylidae, plesiosaurs, Late Cretaceous, Russia, southern Urals, Orenburg Region, Izhberda


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