
Biology Bulletin

Vol. 51, No. 8, 2024

Study of Microbial Associations to Understand the Lifestyle of Terebellides cf. stroemii (Annelida, Terebelliformia, Trichobranchidae) in the White Sea

A. B. Tzetlin, A. A. Klyukina, A. G. Elcheninov, P. A. Shcherbakova, L. A. Gavirova, A. I. Shestakov, E. V. Vortsepneva, A. E. Zhadan, and I. V. Kublanov p. 2343  abstract

Metagenomic Analysis of the Microbiota of a Laboratory Mite Population of Neoseiulus californicus (Mesostigmata, Phytoseiidae) and Optimization of the Microbiota Composition to Improve the Efficiency of Mite Breeding

B. V. Andrianov, L. A. Uroshlev, O. V. Vasilenko, and Y. I. Meshkov p. 2364  abstract

Scrapers of Marine and Passing Fish of Southeastern Sakhalin, Based on Research Results in 2019–2021

E. V. Frolov, S. V. Novokreschennykh, N. K. Zavarzina, and E. S. Korneev p. 2375  abstract

Helminth Fauna of the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo in Lake Ladoga, Northwestern Russia

G. A. Yakovleva p. 2381  abstract

New Locations of Some Hygromiids (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Hygromiidae) in the South of Western Siberia

A. V. Udaloi p. 2385  abstract

First Record of Cryptops hortensis (Donovan 1810) (Scolopendromorpha, Cryptopidae) in the Cis-Urals

G. Sh. Farzalieva, and E. S. Vilkova p. 2391  abstract

The First Record of Branchinecta orientalis G.O. Sars, 1901 (Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Anostraca) in Western Siberia

Y. S. Pyatkova, and D. M. Bezmaternykh p. 2396  abstract

The Formation of Springtail Assemblages (Hexapoda, Collembola) along the Retreating Tsey Glacier, North Ossetia–Alania

M. D. Antipova, and A. B. Babenko p. 2401  abstract

A New Species of Bristletail of the Genus Ditrigoniophthalmus (Microcoryphia, Machilidae) from the Altai Region

V. G. Kaplin p. 2420  abstract

A New Bristletail Species of the Genus Allopsontus Silv. (Microcoryphia, Machilidae) from Western Crimea

V. G. Kaplin p. 2427  abstract

A New Species of the Genus Thinodromus Kraatz 1857 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia

M. Yu. Gildenkov p. 2434  abstract

Architectonics of the Mesonephros of the Senegal Bichir (Polypterus senegalus (Cuvier 1829), Polypteriformes)

E. G. Evdokimov, and E. A. Flerova p. 2438  abstract

Methodological Aspects of Using the Frequency of Occurrence Indicator for Analysis of Ichthyocenoses with the Ichthyofauna of the Baltic Sea Coastal Zone Taken as an Example

S. V. Shibaev p. 2447  abstract

Avifauna of Basins of the North Caucasus and Peculiarities of Its Formation from the Example of the Botlikh Depression, Inner Dagestan

V. P. Belik, and N. I. Nasrulaev p. 2454  abstract

Dynamics of the Number of Anatids (Anseriformes, Anatidae, Aves) in Model Regions in Dagestan

E. V. Vilkov p. 2473  abstract

Census Results of the Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus, Charadriformes) in the Olonets Fields, Karelia, Northwestern Russia, in 1993–2023

S. A. Simonov, A. V. Artemyev, N. V. Lapshin, A. O. Tolstoguzov, and M. V. Matantseva p. 2495  abstract

Breeding Success of Eurasian Cranes (Grus grus, Gruiformes, Aves) in Conditions of Changing Environment: Effect of Climatic and Hydrometeorological Trends

S. V. Volkov, O. S. Grinchenko, T. V. Sviridova, and A. V. Sharikov p. 2501  abstract

Ultra-Long-Distance Migration of the Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus Cuculiformes, Cuculidae) from Kamchatka to Namibia

L. V. Sokolov, A. Yu. Sinelshchikova, and M. Yu. Markovets p. 2513  abstract

Current State and Development Factors of Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus, Sulidae, Aves) Colonies in the Russian Sector of the Barents Sea

A. V. Ezhov, and Yu. V. Krasnov p. 2523  abstract

On Distributional History of Bullfinches (Pyrrhula, Passeriformes, Aves)

V. E. Ivushkin p. 2529  abstract

Space Use and Seasonal Movements of Wild Forest Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus fennicus (Lönnb. 1909)) in the Republic of Karelia

D. V. Panchenko, K. F. Tirronen, and P. I. Danilov p. 2553  abstract

Spatial Organization of Wild Boar (Sus scrofa ussuricus) Associations under the Impact of the Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) in the Central Sikhote-Alin Mountains, Russian Far East

V. A. Zaitsev p. 2567  abstract

Trauma to Skulls in the Gray Wolf (Canis lupus, Canidae, Carnivora) of Central European Russia

P. N. Korablev, N. P. Korablev, and M. P. Korablev p. 2585  abstract

The Ushkan’i Islands, Lake Baikal, and Their Role and Significance in the Life of the Baikal Seal (Pusa sibirica Gmelin 1788, Pinnipedia) under Modern Conditions

E. A. Petrov, A. B. Kupchinsky, and A. A. Syrovatsky p. 2596  abstract

Some Traits of Ecology and Demography in Settlements of the Common Hamster (Cricetus cricetus, Cricetidae, Rodentia) under Different Levels of Environmental Comfort in a Simferopol City Park

E. A. Zaytseva, A. Y. Tsellarius, A. V. Kuptsov, Th. A. Cellarius, and A. V. Surov p. 2613  abstract

Dependence of the Population of the Midday Gerbil (Meriones meridianus, Rodentia, Gerbillidae) on Provision of Forage Resources in Different Seasons of the Year in the Northwestern Caspian

R. R. Omarov, and K. Z. Omarov p. 2626  abstract

The Use of the Malacofaunistic Method for Reconstructing the Palaeoecological Conditions of the Late Late Pleistocene to Holocene Based on Material from the Tetyukhinskaya Cave Site, Southern Far East, Russia

E. M. Osipova, G. A. Danukalova, and M. P. Tiunov p. 2638  abstract