Doklady Chemistry

Vol. 434, Part 1, 2010

A Simultaneous English language translation of this journal is available from Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
Distributed worldwide by Springer. Doklady Chemistry ISSN 0012-5008.

Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, Volume 434, Nos. 1–3, 2010

Volume 434, Part 1, September.


Synthesis, Microstructure, and Photocatalytic Characteristics
of Quasi-One-Dimensional Zinc Oxide Doped with d Elements

O. I. Gyrdasova, V. N. Krasil’nikov, E. V. Shalaeva,
L. Yu. Buldakova, M. Yu. Yanchenko, and V. G. Bamburov
p. 211  abstract

Matrix for Isolation of Technetium and Actinides

N. P. Laverov, S. V. Yudintsev, Yu. I. Korneiko, E. E. Konovalov,
T. O. Mishevets, B. S. Nikonov, and B. I. Omel’yanenko
p. 214  abstract

Selective Synthesis and Radical Polymerization
of N-Vinyl-2-(1-naphthyl)- and N-Vinyl-2-(2-naphthyl)pyrroles

M. V. Markova, L. V. Morozova, I. V. Tatarinova, A. I. Mikhaleva,
Sang Heon Hyun, E. Yu. Shmidt, N. V. Zorina, G. F. Myachina, and B. A. Trofimov
p. 219  abstract

Photocatalytic Activity of Nanodispersed Zinc Oxide Synthesized
by Hydrothermal Microwave Route

A. S. Shaporev, V. K. Ivanov, V. A. Lebedev, B. R. Churagulov, and Yu. D. Tret’yakov p. 223  abstract

Effect of the Ligand Nature on the Regioselectivity
of the Styrene Carbonylation in the Presence of Palladium(II) Complexes

N. V. Zvyagintsev, O. L. Eliseev, L. T. Kondrat’ev, and A. L. Lapidus p. 226  abstract

Structure of the Tashelgite Mineral Ca2Mg2frame0Al18O32(OH)2 from Western Siberia:
A New Structure Type

R. K. Rastsvetaeva, S. M. Aksenov, and N. V. Chukanov p. 233  abstract

Activating Complex Formation in the Diazabutadiene–Zinc Halide System

G. A. Abakumov, V. K. Cherkasov, A. V. Piskunov,
O. Yu. Trofimova, and G. V. Romanenko
p. 237  abstract

Excited States with the Hydrogen Bond
in the Reaction of Aromatic Dianhydrides with Diamines

K. K. Kalnin’sh and E. F. Panarin p. 241  abstract

1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of [(o-Carboran-1-yl)methyl]azide to Alkynes

V. A. Ol’shevskaya, A. V. Makarenkov, E. G. Kononova, P. V. Petrovskii,
E. V. Verbitskii, G. L. Rusinov, V. N. Kalinin, and V. N. Charushin
p. 245  abstract

Chemical Technology

Production of Pectin Polysaccharide Complexes with Dicarboxylic Acids

S. T. Minzanova, V. F. Mironov, A. B. Vyshtakalyuk, O. V. Tsepaeva,
A. Z. Mindubaev, L. G. Mironova, A. T. Gubaidullin, V. V. Zobov,
A. V. Lantsova, G. R. Petrova, F. Kh. Ziatdinova, and A. I. Konovalov
p.249  abstract

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