Doklady Chemistry

Vol. 408, Part 1, 2006

English language translation of the journal is available from Pleiades Publishing, Inc.
Distributed worldwide by Springer. Doklady Chemistry ISSN 0012-5008.

Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, Volume 408, Nos. 1–3, 2006

Volume 408, Part 1, May.


Synthesis of Two New Thymine-Containing Negatively Charged PNA Monomers

N. P. Boyarskaya, Yu. G. Kirillova, E. A. Stotland,
D. I. Prokhorov, E. N. Zvonkova, and V. I. Shvets
p. 57  abstract

Inverse Photonic Crystals Based on Silica

P. E. Khokhlov, A. S. Sinitskii, and Yu. D. Tretyakov p. 61  abstract

Luminescence Properties of Some N-Aryl-3-Aminopropionic Acids
and Their Use for Determination of Copper(II) in Drinking and Waste Water

N. V. Pechishcheva, E. V. Osintseva, L. K. Neudachina,
Yu. G. Yatluk, L. I. Leont’ev, K. Yu. Shunyaev, and A. A. Vshivkov
p. 65  abstract

Polymerization of Pyridine Oxirane Zwitterions

B. A. Trofimov, L. P. Nikitina, L. V. Andriyankova,
A. G. Mal’kina, and A. V. Afonin
p. 70  abstract

Inhomogeneity of Soil Gels

G. N. Fedotov, Yu. D. Tret’yakov, E. I. Pakhomov,
A. I. Kuklin, and A. Kh. Islamov
p. 73  abstract

Modeling of Atomic RESP Charges with the Use of Topological Calculation Schemes

D. A. Shul’ga, A. A. Oliferenko, S. A. Pisarev, V. A. Palyulin, and N. S. Zefirov p. 76  abstract

Chemical Technology

Memory Factor in the Formation of Properties of Polymer Composites
under the Action of Wave Treatment

R. F. Ganiev, V. N. Fomin, E. B. Malyukova,
V. M. Gorchakova, A. E. Chalykh, and Al. Al. Berlin
p. 80  abstract

Thermodynamics of Oxygen Solutions in Iron–Cobalt Melts

V. Ya. Dashevskii and N. P. Lyakishev p. 83  abstract

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