Russian Journal of Ecology

Vol. 41, No. 2, 2010

A simultaneous English language translation of this journal is available from Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
Distributed worldwide by Springer. Russian Journal of Ecology ISSN 1067-4136.

Monitoring of Species Diversity in the Herbaceous Layer of Mixed Forests
on the Central Russian Plain

Yu. G. Puzachenko, E. V. Tikhonova, O. N. Solntseva,
L. M. Nosova, and V. M. Zhukova
p. 107  abstract

Geochemical Features of Soil and Plant Cover
in the Zone of Recent Explosive Volcanism

Yu. S. Litvinenko and L. V. Zakharikhina p. 115  abstract

The Role of Railroads in the Formation of Synanthropic Flora
in the Middle Urals

A. S. Tret’yakova p. 123  abstract

The State of Cenopopulations and Survival Strategy of Lilium monadelphum Bieb.
in a Stressful Environment (the Elbrus Region)

L. Kh. Tkhazaplizheva and S. Kh. Shkhagapsoev p. 129  abstract

Specific Features of Root System Morphology and Mycorrhiza Formation
in Scots Pine Seedlings from Burned-out Areas

D. V. Veselkin, S. N. Sannikov, and N. S. Sannikova p. 139  abstract

Growth and Potential Reproduction of Poa crymophila in Response
to Season Precipitation Shortage in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau, China

Wei-sheng Zhou, Ning Wu, and Wei-kai Bao p. 147  abstract

Relationship between Morphological Disparity and Taxonomic Diversity
in Rodent Communities in the Zone of Influence from
the Eastern Ural Radioactive Trace in the Southern Urals

A. G. Vasil’ev, I. A. Vasil’eva, Yu. V. Gorodilova, and M. V. Chibiryak p. 153  abstract

Population Structure of the Colorado Potato Beetle in the Southern Urals

M. B. Udalov, G. V. Benkovskaya, and E. K. Khusnutdinova p. 159  abstract

Relationship between the Biodiversity of Phyto- and Zoobenthos
in the Continuum of the Model Mountain River Komarovka (Primorye, Russia)

V. V. Bogatov, T. V. Nikulina, and T. S. Vshivkova p. 167  abstract

Impact of Fires on the Fauna of Terrestrial Arthropods in Protected Steppe Ecosystems

V. A. Nemkov and E. V. Sapiga p. 173  abstract

Short Communications

Phytosociological Spectrum As an Indicator of Species Richness of Plant Communities

S. M. Yamalov and A. V. Bayanov p. 180  abstract

Spatial and Biotopic Distribution of Bats (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae)
in the Southern Forest Zone of the Middle Urals

E. M. Pervushina p. 183  abstract

A Model of Invasion as Exemplified by the Predator–Prey System

L. A. Kuchai p.186  abstract

Population Characteristics of Hematological Parameters
of the Peripheral Blood of Postmetamorphic Rana ridibunda Pall. in Urbanized Areas

E. A. Sils p. 189  abstract

Habitat Selection of Asiatic Toad, Bufo Gargarizans (Cantor, 1842), in Southwestern China

Tonglei Yu, Yanshu Guo, and Xin Lu p. 192  abstract

Effect of Selected Environmental Factors on Hunting Methods
and Hunting Success in the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila Pomarina
in North-Eastern Poland

Paweframe0 Mirski p.197  abstract

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