Russian Journal of Ecology

Vol. 27, No. 4, 1996

Simultaneous English language translation of this journal is available from maik nauka / Interperiodica Publishing (Russia).
Distributed worldwide by Plenum / Consultants Bureau. Russian Journal of Ecology ISSN 1067-4136.

Comparative Estimation of Phytomass Concentration in the Inhabited Space of Terrestrial
and Aquatic Bio–Abiotic Phytosystems

K. M. Khailov, A. V. Prazukin, and V. V. Gubanov p. 235  abstract

Heavy Metals in Some Components of Terrestrial
and Aquatic Ecosystems in the Valley of the Mesha River

B. R. Grigor’yan, V. A. Boiko, S. N. Kalimullina,
T. A. Faskhutdinova, E. V. Rodionova, and V. S. Aksenov
p. 241  abstract

Selenium in Deponing Media of the Nonchernozem Zone of the European Part
of Russia and an Agrochemical Method for the Correction of Selenium Deficiency

S. P. Torshin, T. M. Udel’nova, N. I. Konova,
I. Yu. Zabrodina, T. E. Mashkova, and B. A. Yagodin
p. 245  abstract

Ecological Aspects of the Development
of Flat-Polygonal Bogs of Yamal

V. V. Kanev and R. N. Alekseeva p. 251  abstract

Dependence of the Level of Self-Fertility in Scotch Pine
on Yearly Climatic Conditions

N. F. Kuznetsova and Yu. N. Isakov p. 256  abstract

Dynamic Anemophily and the Ecology of Pollination
in Common Grasses in Ontario

P. G. Kevan and E. A. Tikhmenev p. 260  abstract

Organization of the Trophic Interrelations
of Small Insectivora of the Taiga

A. M. Makarov and A. V. Korosov p. 267  abstract

Morphophysiological Adaptations
of Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) to Arid Conditions

V. P. Pekin p. 274  abstract

Effect of Urbanization on Communities of Small Mammals
in Park–Forests in a Large Industrial Center

N. F. Chernousova p. 278  abstract

Assessment of the Influence of Gas Condensate on Hydrobionts
of the Barents Sea under Experimental Conditions

E. A. Gorbacheva and A. M. Laptev p. 284  abstract

Downstream Migration of Perch (Perca fluviatilis)
from Reservoirs Situated in Different Climatic Zones

V. V. Kostin, D. S. Pavlov, and A. I. Lupandin p. 287  abstract

Aculeate Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) of the Families Pompilidae,
Vespidae, Eumenidae, and Sphecidae in a Raised Bog

A. S. Shlyakhtenok p. 292  abstract

Short Communications

Structure of Cenopopulations of Snakeweed
under Conditions of Technogenic Pollution

E. V. Khantemirova p. 297  abstract

Features of Dynamics of the Numbers of Acantholida stellata Christ.

Yu. I. Gninenko p. 300  abstract

Microelement Composition in Baikal Seal Organs

N. A. Rudneva and N. M. Pronin p. 303  abstract

Features of the Vertical Distribution of the Terrestrial Mollusk
Xeropicta krynickii (Krynicki, 1833)

S. S. Kramarenko p. 306  abstract

Methods for Studying Activity Dynamics in Muridae

L. N. Dobrinskii, F. V. Kryazhimskii, and N. L. Dobrinskii p. 308  abstract

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