
Inorganic Materials

Vol. 59, No. 6, 2023

Atomic Ordering Kinetics in a Cu–56 at % Au Alloy at a Temperature of 250°C

A. Yu. Volkov, P. O. Podgorbunskaya, O. S. Novikova, A. I. Valiullin, A. V. Glukhov and N. A. Kruglikov p. 563  abstract

Formation of Tantalum Diboride Nanoparticles upon Reaction of Amorphous Boron with Tantalum in Ionic Melts

A. A. Vinokurov, D. Yu. Kovalev, G. R. Nigmatullina, I. I. Korobov, N. N. Dremova, G. V. Kalinnikov, A. V. Ivanov and S. P. Shilkin p. 570  abstract

Tungsten Borides Prepared from Tungsten-Containing Concentrate via Exposure to Microwave Plasma

D. I. Balakhonov and S. V. Nikolenko p. 576  abstract

Surface Morphology, Phase Composition, and Local Electrical Properties of Fullerite Films Containing a Varied Atomic Fraction of Tin and Bismuth

L. V. Baran p. 583  abstract

28SiO2-Based Isotopically Enriched Silica Fiber

O. Yu. Troshin, A. D. Bulanov, M. Yu. Salgansky, O. V. Timofeev, M. E. Komshina, K. F. Shumovskaya, A. L. Tomashuk, P. F. Kashaykin and M. N. Drozdov p. 591  abstract

Monolithic Ni/LiNbO3 Structures with an Interfacial Magnetoelectric Effect

S. A. Sharko, A. I. Serokurova, N. N. Novitskii, N. N. Poddubnaya, V. A. Ketsko and A. I. Stognij p. 597  abstract

Crystal Structure and Thermodynamic Properties of the RGaTi2O7 (R = Sm, Ho, Tm, Yb) Titanates

L. T. Denisova, L. G. Chumilina, Yu. F. Kargin, G. V. Vasil’ev, V. V. Beletskii and V. M. Denisov p. 604  abstract

Synthesis and Characterization of a Cathode Material for Sodium-Ion Batteries Based on a Composite of Sodium Vanadium(III) Phosphate and Expanded Graphite

I. Sidorov, V. V. Zhilinskii and V. P. Novikov p. 611  abstract

Calcium, Lanthanide, and Zirconium Vanadates with the Zircon Structure: Preparation, Structure, and Behavior during Heating

A. K. Koryttseva, A. I. Orlova, N. S. Litonova, A. V. Nokhrin, A. A. Murashov, K. E. Smetanina, V. A. Turchenko, A. I. Beskrovnyi, E. Yu. Borovikova and D. M. Korshunov p. 619  abstract

Sol–Gel Synthesis of Magnesium Aluminate Spinel as Influenced by Y2O3 and Eu2O3 Additions

F. G. Khomidov, Z. R. Kadyrova, Kh. L. Usmanov and Sh. M. Niyazova p. 627  abstract

Core–Clad High-Purity Rare-Earth-Doped Chalcogenide Glass Fibers as IR Light Sources

E. V. Karaksina, V. S. Shiryaev, T. V. Kotereva, G. E. Snopatin, A. P. Velmuzhov and M. V. Sukhanov p. 634  abstract

Effect of the SiO2/GeO2 Ratio on the Properties of Porous Borosilicate Glass-Based Materials

O. N. Koroleva, N. M. Korobatova and R. S. Morozov p. 644  abstract

Fabrication of Nanogratings and Rewriting of Birefringent Structures in Nanoporous Glass

S. S. Fedotov, A. S. Lipatiev, T. O. Lipatieva, Yu. V. Mikhailov, S. V. Lotarev, I. S. Glebov and V. N. Sigaev p. 649  abstract

Porous Materials Prepared by Sintering Basalt Fiber with CuS and ZrO2 Additions and Containing a Rigid System of Microfiltration Transport Pores

S. M. Azarov, E. E. Petyushik, E. M. Shishonok, S. V. Zlotskii, A. A. Drobysh and A. V. Drozd p. 654  abstract

Thermal Conductivity of Fine-Grained Nd:YAG/SiC Composite Ceramics for Inert Fuel Matrices

L. S. Alekseeva, A. V. Nokhrin, A. I. Orlova, M. S. Boldin, E. A. Lantsev, A. A. Murashov, V. N. Chuvil’deev and A. A. Moskvichev p. 661  abstract

Alpha-Alumina/Tetragonal Zirconia Composites Modified with Strontium Cations

L. I. Podzorova, A. A. Il’icheva, O. I. Pen’kova, V. P. Sirotinkin, O. S. Antonova, M. A. Kaplan and M. G. Frolova p. 668  abstract

Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of a Ti–Al–Mn Alloy

P. A. Lazarev, M. L. Busurina, O. D. Boyarchenko, D. Yu. Kovalev and A. E. Sychev p. 677  abstract

Effect of Vanadium Additions on the Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior of Zinc Alloy TsAMSv 4-1-2.5 in a NaCl Medium

I. N. Ganiev, N. V. Sharifzoda, A. E. Berdiev, F. S. Davlatzoda and S. J. Alikhonova p. 684  abstract