Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing

Vol. 46, No. 10, 2010

A simultaneous English language translation of this journal is available from Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
Distributed worldwide by Springer. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing ISSN 1061-8309.

Acoustic methods

Application of Window Functions in Problems of Pattern Recognition of Ultrasonic Signals

V. A. Barkhatov p. 711  abstract

Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Broadband Ultrasonic Transducers

V. K. Kachanov, I. V. Sokolov, M. M. Konov, D. V. Timofeev, and A. A. Sinitsyn p. 718  abstract

Recovering the Crack-Size Distribution Function from the Amplitude–Frequency
Acoustic Emission Spectrum

V. T. Belikov and D. G. Ryvkin p. 729  abstract

Obtaining Flaw Images that Take the Effect of Multiple Ultrasonic Pulse Reflections
from the Boundaries of a Test Object into Account

E. G. Bazulin p. 735  abstract

On Some Features of the Signal of a Normal Linear Transducer with a Phased Array
in the Transmission Mode

V. N. Danilov p. 754  abstract

Magnetic and electromagnetic methods

The Capabilities of the Magnetodynamic Method for Testing Thicknesses
of Nickel Coatings on Bases with Different Magnetic Properties

A. A. Lukvich and O. V. Bulatov p. 768  abstract

Diagnostics of Fracturing of Structural Materials Based on Parameters
of Electromagnetic Radiation Signals

A. V. Krivitskii, A. A. Bizyaev, G. E. Yakovitskaya, and A. Yu. Karpov p. 774  abstract

Eddy-current methods

Development of Adaptive Eddy-Current Instruments for Flaw Sizing

A. G. Efimov p.780  abstract

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