
Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing

Vol. 59, No. 4, 2023

Acoustic Methods

Acoustic Characteristics of Solid Elastic Media with Oriented Microcracking

K. E. Abbakumov, A. V. Vagin and I. G. Sidorenko p. 393  abstract

Multiple Damage Prediction in Tubular Rectangular Beam Model Using Frequency Response-Based Mode Shape Curvature with Back-Propagation Neural Network

Sonu Kumar Gupta and Surajit Das p. 404  abstract

Measurement of Dynamic Elastic Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio of Sugarcane Core by Cantilever Beam Vibration Method

Zhi Li, Hua Zhang, Zhaoli Lin and Shiyan Li p. 425  abstract

Enhancement of Rayleigh Wave Generated by Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer Based on New Magnetic Configuration

L. Yin, Y. X. Wu and Y. T. Wu p. 437  abstract

Electromagnetic Methods

Possibilities of Manual Eddy Current Testing for Depth Gaging of Contact-Fatigue Cracks on Rail Rolling Surface

S. P. Shlyakhtenkov, D. B. Nekrasov, S. V. Palagin, O. V. Bessonova, A. A. Popkov and S. A. Bekher p. 447  abstract

A New Procedure for High Frequency Decentralized Modeling Parameters Identification of a Transformer Winding Construction Using Frequency Response Analysis Based on Logistic Chaotic JAYA Algorithm

Abdallah Chanane, Messaoud Belazzoug and Hamza Houassine p. 456  abstract

X-ray Methods

Iterative Reconstruction of Aluminum Casting Images Taking into Account Prior Information

S. A. Zolotarev, A. T. Taruat and E. G. Bilenko p. 468  abstract

Nondestructive Testing of an Aluminum Alloy Welded Joint Based on a Mathematical Model of the Thermal Welding Process and Computer Microtomography

V. I. Syryamkin, M. D. Khilchuk and S. A. Klestov p. 477  abstract

Periodontitis Auxiliary Diagnosis Based on Deep Learning and Oral Dental X-ray Images

Xueyan Zhu, Fei Wang, Yunji Xie, Wei Li, Xiaochun Wang and Junyan Liu p. 487  abstract

Optical Methods

Experimental Method to Enhance Sensitivity and Accuracy of Measurements in Measuring Fracture Parameters around the Crack Tip Using Compact Hololens Imaging System

Arasad Ali Khan, H. L. Yadav and R. K. Jaiswal p. 501  abstract