Editorial boards may accept for publication articles prepared in the current version of LaTeX 2ε. Therefore, the following files are submitted to the editorial board: TeX file(s), rty file, and files with illustrations.
In the preparation of a paper, the class REVTeX 4 is used, developed by the American Physical Society, see also CTAN or any other CTAN mirror (www.ctan.org).
Additional packages can be found at:
All above packages can be downloaded from our web site. The following files are required:
If the class REVTeX 4 and the additional packages are already available in your TeX system, it is sufficient to download the file maikmin.zip (36 KB), which contains the following files: maik02.txt, maik.rty, maiksamp.rty, maiksamp.tex, fig_1.eps, fig_2.eps, maikbibl.tex, maikbibl.rty, maikbibl.bib.
The description of the class REVTeX 4 is contained in documents from the class distribution kit. These documents are to be examined in order to correctly prepare the file with the paper (see pdf files from revtex4.zip).
PostScript and TeX files with the description of the REVTeX 4 class can be found at the address:
APS Compuscript Guide for REVTeX 4
REVTeX 4 Author's Guide
Differences between REVTeX 4 and REVTeX 3
REVTeX 4 Command and Options Summary
These files are also available on our web site in the directory http://www.pleiades.online/pub/tex/aps/.
For papers in Russian, a standard Russification (Babel system including a support for T2A encoding) and LH font package included in LaTeX 2ε bundle are used.
The CP866 coding (alternative) is used!
The components of LaTeX 2e used for processing authors' files correspond to those included in the current MikTeX distribution kit: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/systems/win32/miktex
The table of hyphenation for Russian words is in the file \texmf\tex\generic\config\language.dat, which contains the following lines:
russian ruenhyph.tex
% note: edit ruhyphen.tex for your encoding!
The formatted file of LaTeX'2ε is rebuilt to incorporate this combined Russian-English hyphenation table.
The paper template paper.tex has the following form.
The short file paper.rty is to be placed into the same directory as the TeX file with the paper and be sent to the journal as well. In this file, the file maik.rty is invoked. In the end of the file paper.rty, before the command \endinput, some specific macros used in the given paper can be placed. This file must have the same name as the TeX file with the paper and the extension .rty; REVTeX 4 automatically attaches it in the process of the compilation.
An example of paper.rty file.
% paper.rty
\input maik.rty
% The end of paper.rty file.
The use of the rty file is a specific feature of the package REVTeX 4 (see REVTeX 4 Author's Guide, section "OTHER REVTeX 4 FEATURES"). In the file maik.rty, the required packages of LaTeX 2e are attached in a correct order, and certain commands of REVTeX 4 and LaTeX 2e, which are used for the preparation of papers in Russian in accordance with the MAIK requirements, are redefined. It is better not to use LaTeX 2e packages different from those included in maik.rty.
These packages are listed below:
If you still use additional packages, place the command \usepackage in the file paper.tex after the line \input maik.rty.
For example:
% paper.rty
\input maik.rty
% The end of the file paper.rty
Do not introduce any changes into the file maik.rty. The file maik.rty is to be placed in a directory accessible for the TeX compiler.
Numbered formulas are to be placed on separate lines and centered. Formulas are numbered by Arabic numerals in the ascending order starting from one. Only formulas that are referred to in the text should be numbered. Direct references to numbered formulas from other works are forbidden. Letters of Russian alphabet cannot be used in formulas. If labels are used, it is desirable not to use label names that can be understood by the author only. The label names should be chosen in such a way that, when making up the paper, one could easily find a formula by the reference to it and the reference to a formula by the formula number. For example, equations may have the following labels: \label{eq1}, \label{eq2}, etc.
The abbreviation of standard LaTeX 2ε commands is not allowed. The use of Russian letters in command and label names is forbidden.
To typeset quotation marks, use commands \glqq and \grqq or \flqq and \frqq to get two different kinds of quotation marks used in Russian. The description of these, as well as other Russian-dependent, macros can be found in [12, pp. 29-30]. The number sign is produced by the command \No.
It is desirable to use a minimal required set of standard TeX fonts.
Figures and tables should be prepared as in the examples below (the package caption2.sty is used):
% for a multi-line caption
% for a one-line caption
\caption{Multiplication table} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
& 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6\\
1 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6\\
2 & 2 & 4 & 6 & 8 & 10 & 12\\
3 & 3 & 6 & 9 & 12 & 15 & 18\\
Figures and tables should be placed at the end of the manuscript, each on a separate page. All figures and tables must have captions.
Graphical files are submitted in the formats TIFF or Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) for all kinds of figures, including raster graphics. ALL PostScript fonts used for lettering in the figures should be embedded in the file. The width of white margins in the figures should not be greater than one millimeter. Do not use bm2font and complicated drawings prepared in LaTeX.
To insert graphical files, use the package
For the raster graphics, the optimal resolution for black-and-white figures is 600 dpi; for figures with some color and gray-scale lines, 600 dpi; for photographs, 300 dpi; for screen images, as is. The above resolutions refer to scaled figures.
The references should be formatted in accordance with the requirements of a particular journal and be listed on a separate page.
The requirements for the reference formatting may be different in different journals!
o facilitate the processing of references when creating SGML files of paper descriptions, the \refitem{...} command is introduced in the file maik.rty
This command prints out itself on a separate line for the sake of visual checking.
In the file paper.rty, the redefinition of this command is inserted after the comment sign:
By removing % at the beginning of this line, you suppress the output of the command \refitem when printing the file.
– A paper in a journal
– A Russian version of a paper in a journal
– A paper in a journal with the authors from the preceding reference to the paper
– A paper in the same journal with the same authors as in the preceding reference
– A book (given that the publishing data are available)
– Preprints available in e-PRINT archive (LANL preprint), see http://xxx.lanl.gov
– A reference to an electronic document on the Internet, like \url{http://d22izw7byeupn1.cloudfront.net/files/revtex/auguide4-1.pdf}
– This type is recommended to use when none of the other types is applicable, including the case of unpublished papers
Each reference should be preceded by the command \refitem{...} even if only one reference is contained in a given item of the reference list. An item in the list corresponds to one command \bibitem{}.
The commands \begin{thebibliography}, \refitem{}, \bibitem{}, and \end{thebibliography} should be placed on separate lines containing nothing but these commands.
For a parameter (label) of the command \bibitem{}, any sequence of Latin letters and digits can be used. In the text, a document is referenced by means of the command \cite{}, which has one mandatory argument, the label of the reference. The reference numbers are generated automatically.
N.~Cabibbo, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{10}, 531 (1963);
M.~Kobayashi and T.~Maskawa, Prog. Theor. Phys. \textbf{49}, 652 (1973).
S.~L.~Glashow, J.~Iliopoulos, and L.~Maiani, Phys. Rev. D \textbf{2}, 1285 (1970).
\refitem{article} T.~D.~Lee and C.~S.~Wu, Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. \textbf{15}, 381 (1965);
\refitem{article;ibid} \textbf{16}, 471 (1966).
A.~R.~Barker and S.~H.~Kettell, hep-ex/0009024;
\refitem{article;prevau} Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. \textbf{50}, 249 (2000).
A.~I.~Va\u{\i}nshte\u{\i}n \emph{et al.}, Pis'ma Zh. \'ksp. Teor. Fiz. \textbf{22}, 123 (1975)
\refitem{article;rusjou} [JETP Lett. \textbf{22}, 55 (1975)]; \refitem{article;prevau} Nucl. Phys. B \textbf{120}, 316 (1977).
A.~Vainshtein, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A \textbf{14}, 4705 (1999).
NA-31 Collab. (H. Burkhardt \emph{et al.}), Phys. Lett. B \textbf{206}, 169 (1988);
NA-31 Collab. (G. D. Barr \emph{et al.}), Phys. Lett. B \textbf{317}, 233 (1993).
L.~B.~Okun, \emph{Leptons and Quarks} (Nauka, Moscow, 1990; North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1984); \refitem{book} L.~B.~Okun, \emph{Particle Physics} (Nauka, Moscow, 1988; Harwood, Chur, 1985).
Yu.~R.~Rivin, Int.~J.~Geomagn. Aeron. \textbf{1} (3), (1998);
The style file maik.bst, пwhich is a modified version of apsrev.bst, can be used for the preparation of a list of references by means of the program BIBITEX. When using maik.bst, the commands \refitem{} are generated and inserted automatically. For the parameter of the command \refitem{}, the reference of the record type in the bibliographic database is used (see the file maikbibl.bib).
However, BIBITEX does not allow several references to be generated in one item of the reference list, as is accepted in some journals (see, for example, \bibitem{1} in the above list of references).
If you use BIBITEX, make sure to submit a bibliography file paper.bbl (the result of the BIBITEX operation) in addition to the files paper.tex and paper.rty.
The name of the bbl file must be the same as that of the file with the paper!
The maximum allowable paper length is subject to the regulations of a particular journal.
As a rule, for journals printed in a one-column format, the height and width of the text are given by
\textheight=235mm and \textwidth=165mm, respectively; for two-column journals,
\textheight=235mm, \textwidth=165mm, and the horizontal space between the columns is specified as
\columnsep=5mm, i.e., the width of the text column is 85mm.
The formulas that do not fit the width of one column can be broken into several lines in the final make-up of the paper, and the figures are scaled to fit the columns.
Before submitting the electronic version, make sure that the TeX file has passed the compilation. The content of the TeX file should be identical to that of the hard copy of the paper, and the figures in the EPS (TIFF) files should be identical to the hard copies of the figures. You may submit the dvi and log files as well, which may help us to correctly reproduce your paper. If you email the files (as attachments), it is desirable to use the archivers InfoZip or gzip. Before sending the files, please, make sure that the zip files are unpacked correctly.
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