Reviews and Advances in Chemistry

Издатель: Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

О журнале

Издательская модель: Гибридная

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Reviews and Advances in Chemistry  (ReACh) is part of Pleiades Publishing collection of journals. It provides an international forum for publishing research in chemistry, materials science, and chemical engineering. The journal publishes both open access and subscription articles and aims to attain full compliance with PlanS in the near future. The journal is committed to providing a streamlined submission process, rapid review and publication, and a high level of author service at every stage. ReACh is dedicated to promoting diversity and equality in the scientific community. We believe in breaking down barriers between different scientific disciplines, as well as between researchers of different levels of experience and those from Developed and developing countries. ReACh also strives to eliminate any potential hindrances to scientific progress that may be caused by different cultural background and accepts manuscripts from researchers worldwide. Although the journal publishes in English, it accepts manuscripts in Russian and helps with translation and language editing.


Reviews and Advances in Chemistry  basic and applied topical aspects of organic, inorganic, organoelement, physical, solid state, supramolecular, polymer, colloidal, nanoscience, soft matter, biological, medicinal, pharmaceutical, analytical, theoretical, cheminformatics, computational and mathematical chemistry, radio-, photo-, electro- and mechanochemistry, as well as chemical engineering, materials processing, food science, environmental issues, and safety. Interdisciplinary articles and papers in all chemistry-related areas are also welcome.

ReACh publishes six thematic collections, each overseen by a permanent editor:

  • Catalysis (Dmitry Yu. Murzin)
  • Computational chemistry: from chemometrics to machine learning (Evgeny Karpushkin)
  • Materials and formulations for biomedical and pharmaceutical applications (Vitaliy Khutoryanskiy)
  • MXenes and nanostructured carbon materials (Yury Gogotsi)
  • Soft Matter: from Physical Methods of Analysis to Application (Sergey Filippov) and
  • Theoretical crystallography, methods of computational materials discovery and mineral physics (Artem R. Oganov)
Content Types

Reviews and Advances in Chemistry  welcomes research articles, critical reviews, brief communications, and letters to the editor.


The mission of Reviews and Advances in Chemistry  is to provide comprehensive, critical, and readable studies on the all aspects of contemporary chemical sciences and engineering: organic, inorganic, organoelement, physical, solid state, supramolecular, polymer, colloidal, nanoscience, soft matter, biological, medicinal, pharmaceutical, analytical, theoretical, cheminformatics, computational and mathematical chemistry, radio-, photo-, electro- and mechanochemistry, as well chemical engineering, materials processing, food science, environmental issues and safety.

Индексирование и реферирование

Baidu, CLOCKSS, CNKI, CNPIEC, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Dimensions, EBSCO, Google Scholar, Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST), Naver, OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service, Portico, ProQuest, Semantic Scholar, TD Net Discovery Service, Wanfang

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